
Showing posts from March, 2018

Install and Configure Openstack Heat on Pike Centos7

Step 1:   Create the Heat user #             openstack user create --domain default --password service_pass heat Step 2: Add the admin role to the heat user and service project #             openstack role add --project service --user heat admin Step 3: Create the heat and heat-cfn service entities: #             openstack service create --name heat --description "Orchestration" orchestration #             openstack service create --name heat-cfn --description "Orchestration"  cloudformation Step 4: Create the service API endpoints #             openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne orchestration public

Install and Configure Openstack Senlin on Pike Centos7

Step 1: Create the Senlin user # openstack user create --domain default --password service_pass senlin Step 2: Add the admin role to the senlin user and service project # openstack role add --project service --user senlin admin Step 3: Create the Senlin service entities: # openstack service create --name senlin --description "Senlin Clustering  Service V1" clustering Step 4: Create API endpoints # openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne senlin public # openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne senlin admin # openstack endpoint create --region RegionOne senlin internal Step 5: Install Heat packages # yum install openstack-senlin- engine.noarch openstack-senlin- api.noarch openstack-senlin- common.noarch python2-senlinclient.noarch -y Step 6: Login to database # mysql -u root -p > CREATE DATABASE senlin; > GRANT ALL ON senlin.* TO 'senlinUser'@'...